About us

Authorized Psychologist and Psychotherapist specialized on cognitive mental training and clinical hypnosis, that is hypnosis that is used to solve different kinds of psychologically caused problems.
I have finished a tree year education in clinical hypnosis for psychologists, medical doctors and dentists. I have also been a teacher on this. For more than twenty years I’ve worked with leaders, professional athletes (also Olympic teams) companies, organizations and individuals. During the years I’ve been working I’ve developed my own methodology within the area mental training and CLINICAL HYPNOSIS inspired by MD Milton Erickson.
I’ve arranged WORKSHOPS and Conferences in mental training, personal development and leadership training for athletes and leaders. I’ve also participated in and have been interviewed in programs on these subjects in Swedish TV and Radio and in magazines such as Chefen and Modern Psychology (see article INTERVJU I MODERN PSYKOLOGI).
I’ve also been teaching on the subjects: trauma treatment with help of HYPNOTHERAPY on different international conferences about clinical and experimental hypnosis.
I’ve also written articles about cognitive hypnosis, hypnosis and HYPNOTHERAPY together with a college. Some of these you find under ARTICKLAR and DIALOGER. Unfortunately they are only in Swedish so far. I’ve also written a book call The Water glass together with the same college. You find the book for sale on this website under WEBSHOP.

Authorized Psychologist specialized on
-conversational methodology and developing talks
– group development through GDQ, Goup Development Questionnaire, an evidence based method produced by one of the world’s most famous scientists within group development, Professor Susan Wheelan
-Stressmanagement through the pioneering and evidence based method ACT, Acceptance and Commitment Training
Development within schools, ‘’Hattie in practice’’, with focus on the leadership in the classroom built on John Hatties research payed attention to by Skolverket and SKL, Sveriges kommuner och landsting.
Development of leadership in the classroom through the SFIC-method, Systematic Facilitation of Internal Competence * Process leadership
I’ve written a book about conversation methodology with focus on development talks named ‘konsten att lystna’ published by Liber Publishing.
I’ve been teaching 20 000 leaders and teachers in conversational methology and development talks together with Lärarnas Riksförbund and speakers like Stavros Loucas, Gunilla Hammar and Igor Ardoris from SVT:s class 9A, Lennart Grosin (one of swedens best school scientists ) together with Skolverket arranged *Coaching for school with Ole Anfelt (Swedish Olympiacommity headcoach).
In the daily newspaper DN (Dagens nyheter) and on the television programe Brännpunkt (SvT), Studio 1, I’ve discussed Swedish school together with the school minister Beatrice Ask.

Authorised Psychologist
Behavior scientist and consultant within organisation vevelopement
A Psychologist degree from Stockholm university
-educated within CLINICAL HYPNOSIS and psychotherapy
I have long experiences from developing business activities and individuals within private companies and organizations. My focus is on working for change, cooperation and communication. I also give support to leaders and coworkers by coaching and consulting.
I have experience of working with strategic coping with crises and to make leadership more efficient. I’ve also been working as a leader myself in different companies and organizations.
I’ve also worked with individually customized development programs based on hypnosis and mental training within companies, organizations and sports.
I’ve also written a book about team work in a Sami village in north Sweden.