Cognitive mental training
When you and your Psychologist experience that you can’t go any further by talking it can be profitable to move on and complement with COGNITIVE MENTAL TRAINING. By help of this you can together build your egostrength even on a deeper more unconscious level.
If you do so you do it:
1/ to be mentally stronger so that you can achieve what you want to achieve better than otherwhise.
2/ to be mentally strong enough to be able to process non processed material if it shows that there is such stored in your unconscious. By doing do you get ready to do so.
By using COGNITIVE MENTAL TAINING (where you use the thoughts as your tool) you can strengthen your ego/build yourself up mentally of if you prefer you can say that you develop your brains software.
In other words it’s your mind, containing of your tools –your thoughts, feelings, the inner imiges you create and your physical body (as a moving machine and intermedium of sensory information)-you develop and not yourself. You are the one that develop them.
By help of your tools you develope mentally skills such as concentration, relaxation and sustainability etc. You learn to stay concentrated over longer and longer time on what you (or actually your unconscious mind) think is the most important thing or subject to be concentrated on at that moment in time., to be able to function and feel as goog as is possible.
At the same time you develop your ability to relax and put aside all the material your unconscious think is unnecessary at the moment. By doing so you learn to save your energy and therefore you don’t get tired as you did before.
Your thoughts are your tools
So you are not your thoughts, but the one who with help of them maneuver the physical body and the other tools. With help of them you maneuver or influence what is happening in and outside the body.
When you consider this you realize that you have a lot of power by being able to control your thoughts and your thinking.
But it’s important that we learn to separate what we call control over your thoughts and so called self-control. Control over your thoughts is good to have but self-control is bad and in reality impossible to have.
Sometimes we use expressions like – it’s important to have self-control. But some expressions are misleading since they build on lack of knowledge about what it’s really about. You can’t control yourself but you can control your thoughts. That’s also what you really want to do.
Program your brain with your thoughts
By help of your thoughts you can program your brain, just like you do when you push the bottoms on your keyboard on your computer to program it. Most probably the people who developed the computer had the brain as their role model.
However as you know it’s not all thoughts that you produce and generate that are constructive. Some of them are, as you experience yourself, negatively charged. Since they are they can create negative feelings like fear and anxiety, that according to your inner parts are considered unnecessary.
Negative thoughts, that you can think about yourself , about others, life etc are, according to your inner parts, always unnecessary.
We at Psykologgruppen Norden have developed techniques by help of which you can get rid of your negative and other unnecessary thoughts, feelings etc. When I say they are unnecessary it means that you don’t need them to function and feel good. Only those that are necessary for you to be able to do so will remain after you, with our help, have installed the software filter you get from us that clean your brain from all unnecessary material.
Make your thoughts into your friends
We help you to take control over your thoughts and to lead yourself with the help of them towards the goals you’ve set up.
When you understand more about how you can use your thoughts your ability to communicate, with yourself and others, is also improved. In that way you can prevent and solve conflicts that can appear in your relationship with yourself, your family, your friends and working colleges. In that way you also prevent unnecessary negative stress.
For more info about COGNITIVE MENTAL TRAINING please see articles